Evaluation of blurring and noise of a medical image using a digital phantom

Cheolpyo Hong *

Department of Radiological Science, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 423–426
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0735
Publication history: 
Received on 19 November 2021; revised on 23 December 2021; accepted on 25 December 2021
Blurring and noise are an essential characteristic of a medical image on the imaging system. This study shows the characteristics of blurring and noise of a medical image using a digital phantom. A square-shaped digital phantom was produced with pixels that consist of black and white. The line profile was selected on a binary digital image. An image with noise added was generated and a corresponding line profile was also drawn. The degree of noise was increased using the gaussian noise value. The blurring images obtained by applying gaussian blur to a digital phantom was produced similarities to real images. Also, the degree of blurring was increased using the gaussian blur value. As noise increased, the standard deviation of pixels inside and background the object also increased. However, the boundary of the object was retained. As image blurring increased, the boundary of the object was not clearly distinguished. However, the standard deviation of pixels inside and background the object was retained. When extreme noise and blurring are increased, the resulting images are different. For adding noise, the shape is visually maintained. However, the blurred image does not maintain a square shape. Therefore, it is shown that blurring due to movement of object cannot maintain original form. In the image processing method, the reduction of noise is achieved through blur processing. The noise was reduced through blur processing in the image with noise. The degree of noise decreased, but the ambiguity of the boundary increased.
Blurring; Noise; Medical image; Digital phantom
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