Epidemiology and impact of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on haematological parameters in patients in the city of Kindia (Republic of Guinea)

Taliby Dos Camara 1, *, Abdoulaye Makanéra 2, Lamine Bérété 3 and Mohamed Bangoura 3

1 Department of Biology, Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry (Commune of Dixinn) BP: 1147 Republic of Guinea.
2 Faculty of Health Sciences and Techniques, Department of Medicine, Chair of Fundamental Sciences, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, PO Box: 1147 Republic of Guinea
3 Leprology Centrer of Damakhania, Municipality of Kindia, Republic of Guinea.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 309–317
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.2.1121
Publication history: 
Received on 25 September 2022; revised on 31 October 2022; accepted on 03 November 2022
Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease of bacterial origin caused by the bacillus Koch or BK or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious disease that usually attacks the lungs, but also other organs of the human body.
Objective: To contribute to the improvement of health care for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of Kindia.
Methods: This is a prospective and descriptive cross-sectional study lasting 3 months, from 03 February to 03 May 2021.
Results: Out of 301 patients received at the Leprosarium laboratory, 51 patients were diagnosed positive, i.e. 17%, against 250 negative cases, i.e. 83%. All 51 TB patients had low haemoglobin, i.e. 100%, 45% had low MCHT, 21% hyponeutrophilia versus 49% hyperleukocytosis, 35% hyperlymphocytosis and 10% hyperneutrophilia. However, all other haematological parameters were normal with the following anaemic typology: 59% frustrated anaemia and 41% moderate anaemia; 41% of patients had Microcytic and Hypochromic anaemia, compared to 59% patients with Normocytic and Normochromic anaemia. The male sex is the most represented with 71% against 29% for the female sex, the married are the most represented with 57% followed by the single with 43%, the workers are the most affected with 37% followed by the commercial agents with 21% and the pupils/students with 10%. Administrative staff are the least represented with 4%. All age groups are affected by the disease, but with a high rate among those aged between 21 and 40 years, i.e. 57%, followed by those aged 20 years or less, i.e. 23%. The age group least affected is 41 years and over, i.e. 10%. Almost all of Kindia's neighbourhoods are affected by the disease but with different rates. The districts of Manquepas and Abattoir with 8 cases each, i.e. 16%, are the most affected. They are followed by the districts of Sambaya with 11%, the rural commune of Friguiagbé with 9% and the districts of Foulémodouyah and Yéwolé with 7% each. The other districts each have 4%.
Conclusion: Pulmonary tuberculosis is a major public health problem and to improve patient management, haematological profiling is necessary. 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Haematology; Epidemiology; Leprosarium; Kindia
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