Epidemiological study of the occurrence of measles in children aged 0-15 years in the Banalia Health Zone (DR Congo) during 2022

Jacques Alaima Manda *, Lucien Lisangi Tuli, Héritier Kuda Mbuya and Raymond Assani Ramazani

Higher Institute of Medical Techniques of Kisangani, DR Congo.

Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 1266–1275
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.1.1138
Publication history: 
Received on 03 March 2024; revised on 17 April 2024; accepted on 20 April 2024
Introduction: In 2021, the Banalia Health Zone experienced two measles epidemics with a vaccine completeness rate of 69% according to data provided by the Tshopo Provincial Health Division. The aim of the study was to list the epidemiological characteristics of measles cases in the Banalia Health Zone, to determine the incidence of measles in children aged 0-15 years, and to analyze the vaccination status of children with measles.
Methodology: This was a retrospective descriptive study, based on the acquisition of data from the medical records of the targeted children or from data registers at the time of submission. A total of 3,968 children with measles were selected from the various health centers and areas of the Banalia Health Zone.
Results: We observed that 64.6% of the subjects in the study were aged between 0 and 5 years; 40.77% of measles cases were recorded in September 2022. The measles vaccination rate was 39.19% and the case fatality rate was 2.8%. The Panga 2 axis had the highest number of measles cases, with a prevalence rate of 29.03%.
Conclusion: Measles is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Banalia Health Zone. The age group most affected is 0-5 years. Vaccination and surveillance systems need to be strengthened to reduce the growing risk posed by measles.
Epidemiological; Study; Occurrence; Measles; Children; Health Zone.
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