Employment status and attainment of program educational objectives among bachelor of science in business administration major marketing management graduates of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology from 2018-2023
College of Management and Business Technology, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 1729–1738
Publication history:
Received on 13 July 2024; revised on 20 August 2024; accepted on 22 August 2024
This study investigated the employment status and attainment of program educational objectives among BSBA Marketing Management graduates from the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) for 2018 to 2023. Using a descriptive quantitative research design, the study included all 898 graduates from the specified period. Data collection was conducted through a Google Form survey. The study employed a four-point Likert scale to assess the graduates' perceived attainment of educational objectives, allowing for a detailed analysis of their alignment with career outcomes. Findings indicated that most graduates perceived their educational objectives as highly attained, indicating that the program effectively prepared students for professional roles in marketing management. The analysis also revealed trends in employment status, with a significant proportion of graduates securing employment in roles directly related to their field of study. This outcome underscored the relevance and impact of the program on graduates' career paths. The results of this study provided valuable insights for educators and administrators in refining the BSBA Marketing Management program to better align with industry demands and graduate aspirations. The findings also highlighted the importance of continuous program evaluation to ensure that educational objectives were met and that graduates were adequately prepared for the evolving job market.
BSBA Marketing Management; Employment status; Graduate outcomes; Program educational objectives
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