Effects of rumours and negative campaign messages regarding vaccination campaigns in Bamenda Health District, Cameroon

Ndipowa James Attangeur Chimfutumba 1, *, Kamga Henri Lucien 2 and Mbangwana Paul Nkad 2

1 Faculty of Health Sciences, Bamenda University Institute of Science and Technology, (BUST), Nkwen - Bamenda, NWR, Cameroon.
2 Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bamenda (UBA), Bamenda, NWR, Cameroon.
2 Faculty of Health Sciences, Bamenda University Institute of Science and Technology, (BUST), Nkwen - Bamenda, NWR, Cameroon.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 07(03), 255-262
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.7.3.0317
Publication history: 
Received on 20 August 2020; revised on 17 September 2020; accepted on 22 September 2020
The Bamenda Health District has frequently been hit by upsurges of vaccine-preventable diseases, which are sometimes neither well reported nor given the well-deserved attention. This was the motivation behind the research topic “Effects of Rumours and Negative Campaign Messages regarding Vaccination Campaigns in Bamenda Health District (BHD)”. The main objective of the study was to carry out a survey of the Effects of Rumours and Negative Campaign Messages with regards to Vaccination Campaigns in Bamenda Health District on the population and public health actors and stakeholders. We carried out a descriptive, cross-sectional and explorative survey in which multistage random sampling was done to obtain a sample size of 414 participants. Key findings revealed Negative attitude with regards to vaccination campaigns and mistrust of government information sources; adherence to rumours and negative campaign messages about vaccination programmes; inefficient cold chain system characterized by poor VVM monitoring; and precarious socio-political climate with the accompanying insecurity. The study revealed that rumours and negative campaign messages have significantly marred the vaccination campaigns in the BHD and rendered them inefficient and ineffective. Every public health actor, stakeholder, and the government are called upon to redouble their efforts in righting the flaws and lapses, both in vaccinations and health promotion strategies. The government should create an enabling and safe environment for efficient and effective vaccination campaigns in the health district while appropriately and promptly managing rumours and negative campaign messages.
Vaccination; Efficiency; Rumours; Behaviour; Challenges
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