The effect of vitamin c and shirataki combination on reducing blood glucose levels in diabetic mice
1 Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Département of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
3 Département of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2676-2679
Publication history:
Received on 08 November 2024; revised on 24 December 2024; accepted on 27 December 2024
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by persistent hyperglycemia blood glucose levels. A dietary intervention for diabetes mellitus includes the consumption of low-glycemic-index carbohydrates and vitamin C supplementation. This study aims to determine the effect of combining vitamin C and shirataki on reducing blood glucose levels. This experimental study was conducted on male mice (Mus musculus) with induced diabetes mellitus over 14 days in the Laboratory of Animal Testing Department of Physiology and Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. The data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk test for normality and homogeneity test. Parametric data were analyzed using ANOVA, while non-parametric data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test for data that were not normally distributed. The results indicated a reduction in blood glucose levels accross all treatment groups. A significant reduction in blood glucose levels was observed in treatment groups 1, 2, and 3 from day 1 to day 7. However, a slight increase in blood glucose levels occured from day 7 to day 14. Despite this, overall blood glucose levels remained lower at day 14 in all treatment groups compare to the first day. The most significant reduction was observed on day 7 in treatment group 1, which received the lowest dose of vitamin C. In conclusion, the combination of vitamin C with shirataki effectively reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic mice, particularly by day 7. Among the doses tested, the low dose of 500 mg per day was the most effective in reducing blood glucose levels.
Diabetes mellitus; Vitamin C; Shirataki; Blood Glucose Levels
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