The Effect of procurement process on procurement performance of public tertiary institutions in Ghana
Sunyani Technical University P.O.Box 206, Sunyani, Ghana.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(02), 121–130
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0097
Publication history:
Received on 24 December 2021; revised on 03 February 2022; accepted on 05 February 2022
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of procurement process on tertiary institutions in Ghana. The objectives of the study include examining the effect of procurement planning on procurement performance of public tertiary universities, assessing the effect of procurement controlling on procurement performance of public tertiary universities and ascertaining the effect of procurement monitoring on procurement performance of public tertiary universities. A casual research design and cross-sectional data were collected from employees of various tertiary institutions in Ghana to answer the questions the study wanted to address. The data was collected from the respondents was entered into SPSS. The SPSS output was then used to run the regression output as well as the descriptive statistics for data analysis. The results were then presented using tables. The study finds that procurement planning, procurement control and procurement monitoring has a positive and significant effect on the procurement performance of the tertiary institutions used for the study. The study recommends that steps are taken to train the members of staff of all public institutions on the relevance of the procurement process to the success of these institutions. It is further recommended that auditors in public tertiary institutions take steps to uncover any procurement breaches that occur in these institutions so that action is taken to correct such procurement breaches.
Procurement Practices; Procurement Performance; Planning; Monitoring
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