Effect of methanol Moringa oleifera leaves extract on the hematological parameters of cadmium chloride induced hypertensive Wistar rats
Biomedical Technology Option, School of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 1884–1889
Publication history:
Received on 21 November 2023; revised on 27 December 2023; accepted on 29 December 2023
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of methanol Moringa oleifera leaves extract on the hematological parameters of cadmium chloride induced hypertensive wistar rats. 32 wistar rats weighing between 160-200kg where used and grouped into four groups of 8 rats each. All groups except group one where induced with both cadmium chloride to cause hypertension according to their body weight group 1 which served as normal control took only water and feed for 21 days. Group 2 which served as hypertensive control took only water and feed for 21 days. Group 3 took 0.26ml/kg body weight of a standard drug (Nifedipine) for 21 days and group 4 which served as test group took 0.16ml/kg body weight of Moringa oleifera leaves extract for 21 days. At the end of which the animals where sacrifice 3ml of blood samples were collected through cardiac purcture and were taken to laboratory for analysis. The hematology analysis was done using an Auto Haematology Analyzer. The parameters measured include the leucocyte parameters, erythrocyte parameters, thrombocyte parameters and the hematological indices. The data analysis was determined by one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan post-hoc test and P value<0.05 was considered significant. The effect of methanol Moringa oleifera leaves extract shows no significant difference on leucocyte parameters at 7.27±2.39 (WBC), for Erythrocyte parameters it showed a significant difference of 46.50±1.67 (HTC) and for hematological indices and thrombocyte parameters, it shows a significant difference of 66.25±24.30 (RDW-SD). The result reveals that the extract has an effect on hematological parameters that lead to hypotension when compared to both normal and hypertensive control.
Hematological; Methanol; Hypertensive; Cadmium Chloride
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