Effect of light on Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) production: A review
1 Department of Science Education, Seventh-day Adventist College of Education, Affiliated to University of Cape Coast, Post Office Box 29, Agona-Ashanti Region, Ghana.
2 Department of Animal Science Education, Faculty of Agriculture Education, University of Education, Winneba, Post Office Box 40, Mampong-Ashanti, Ghana.
3 Department of Science Education, St. Teresa’s College of Education, Affiliated to University of Cape Coast, Post Office Box 129, Hohoe Volta Region, Ghana.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(03), 337-345
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.9.3.0115
Publication history:
Received on 18 February 2021; revised on 21 March 2021; accepted on 23 March 2021
Artificial light is highly recognized and used in Guinea fowl production. In Guinea fowl production, access to light is an important factor for both growth and egg production. The eye is a vital sense organ under neuro-endocrine regulation in order to allow sight in animals. Guinea fowls perceive light through photoreceptors that transform the energy contained in photons in biological signals. In the eye, the energy of the photons is transformed by photosensitive pigments in the cones and rods of the retina, and transmitted through neurons to the brain where signals are integrated in an image. Photoreceptors in the hypothalamus are biological transformers that convert photon energy into neural impulses. These impulses affect the endocrine system that control ovarian activity in females and therefore, their reproductive behavior. Many physiological and behavioural aspects of Guinea fowl is affected by lightening. Certain essential function of Guinea fowl like body temperature, feeding, metabolism and digestion is directly or indirectly affected by light. Light also controls the activities of different hormones and affects growth maturation and development of organism. The physical activity of Guinea fowls can be affected by daylength, light intensity, colour and wavelength. The increase in physical activity leads to overall development of Guinea fowl. Hence, Guinea fowl producers and breeders must consider light management activities for higher productivity.
Guinea fowl; Light; Daylength; Light intensity; Wavelength; Neuro-endocrine
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