Effect of internet banking on the performance of small-medium enterprises in Enugu metropolis

Maureen Ifeoma Iyke-Ofoedu 1, Onodugo Ifeoma Joanes 1 and Umeh Anthony Chinedu 2, *

1 Management Department; University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
2 Department of Economics, Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(02), 264–273
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.13.2.0150
Publication history: 
Received on 08 January 2022; revised on 10 February 2022; accepted on 12 February 2022
The study examined the effect of internet banking on small and medium enterprises performance in Enugu Metropolis. Specifically this study aims to determine the (i) the effect of internet effectiveness on small and medium enterprises business expansion in Enugu Metropolis, and (ii) the effect of internet convenience on small and medium enterprise quality of job delivery in Enugu Metropolis. The study made use of descriptive survey design. The study used structured questionnaire to obtain data. The population of the study is 650 with sample size of 264. Summary of the study includes: the findings of the study revealed that internet effectiveness has significant effect on small and medium enterprises business expansion in Enugu metropolis (t – statistics (38.887) > P – value (0.000), the findings of the study also revealed that internet convenience has significant effect on small and medium enterprise quality of job delivery in Enugu metropolis (t – statistics (33.446) > P – value (0.000), and the findings of the study revealed that internet accessibility has significant effect on small and medium enterprise expansion of income base in Enugu metropolis, because internet accessibility enables to conduct banking business over the internet where costs are minimal, since (t – statistics (51.826) > P – value (0.000). The study recommends that small and medium enterprises should organize training on internet banking from time to time for the benefit of its customers; this will go a long way to enhance the benefits derived by the bank from internet banking. 
Internet Banking; Small and Medium Enterprises Performance
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