The effect of effleurage massage on decreasing active first period labor pain: A literature review

Melsa Ana Nofintiyani and Ratna Dwi Jayanti * 

Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 260–265
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.2709
Publication history: 
Received on 23 November 2023; revised on 30 December 2023; accepted on 02 January 2024
Introduction: Labor pain is a visceral nociceptive pain caused by contractions and cervical dilatation. Pain that occurs can affect the mother's condition in the form of fatigue, fear, worry, and stress. Effleurage massage is one of the effective non-pharmacological methods to overcome labor pain. Effleurage massage aims to improve blood circulation, warm abdominal muscles, and promote physical and mental relaxation. This study aims to determine v in the first phase of active labor.
Method: This study uses a literature review method with a quasi-experiment research design. Literature search sources used five databases namely Google Scholar, PUBMED, and Science Direct with published years 2018-2023. Study selection according to inclusion criteria with a prism checklist of abstract titles, full text and assessed the feasibility of further studies analyzed from the study findings.
Result and Discussion: The search results found 6 journals that met the inclusion criteria. From the overall review of 6 journal articles, it was found that 5 journal articles had a significant effect of giving effleurage massage on labor pain during the active phase I. In contrast, 1 article did not have a significant effect between effleurage and counter-pressure in reducing labor pain.
Conclusion: Effleurage massage affects reducing the level of labor pain during the active phase I.
Effleurage Massage; Decrease Pain; Active First Period; Labor; Mother in Labor
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