The effect of burnout, emotional intelligence and extrovert personality types on teacher performance in senior high school 13 Padang, Indonesia

Fitri Sejati *

Senior High School 13 Padang, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 1112–1122
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.1137
Publication history: 
Received on 05 May 2023; revised on 18 June 2023; accepted on 20 June 2023

This study aims to see the effect of (1) burnout on teacher performance Senior High School (SMA)13 Padang. (2) Emotional intelligence on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang.(3)Extrovert personality type on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang. (4) Burnout, emotional intelligence and extroverted personality types have a joint effect on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang. The entire population in this studyteachers of SMA 13 Padang as many as 59 people. The technique for taking this sample uses a total sampling technique. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression with the classical assumption test, normality test, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity .The results of this study indicate that (1) Burnouthas a significant negative effect on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang. (2) Emotional intelligencehas a positive influence on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang. (3) Extrovert personality typehas a positive influence on teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang. (4)Burnout, Emotional intelligence and Extrovert personality typejointly affect teacher performance at SMA 13 Padang.
Burnout; Emotional Intelligence; Extrovert personality type; Padang
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