Economy coefficient and costs of raw milk production depending on the price of animal feed

Midhat Glavić 1, *, Amir Zenunović 1, Amel Hasić 2, Mirza Tatarović 2 and Sabahudin Tahmaz 2

1 Faculty of Technology, Department for Agriculture, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2 Federal Institute of Agriculture Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 483–491
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0638
Publication history: 
Received on 19 October 2021; revised on 22 November 2021; accepted on 24 November 2021
Food costs are the highest costs in milk production so they need to be minimized. In large dairy farms, the total share of food in the cost structure ranges from 50-60%, while in small farms it is above 60%. By producing one's own voluminous food, the sustainable needs of animals and lower milk production can be met, while higher milk production requires the use of concentrated nutrients produced on one's own farm (corn, cereals). The purchase of ready-mixed feeds should be avoided because it is economically unjustified. Poorer quality and inadequate quantities (more or less than technological needs) in the diet of dairy cows have a direct effect on the amount of milk produced, and thus on income.
The production of own fodder and its use greatly reduces the cost of milk because the internal factors of the farm's business determine the success of the business more than the selling price.
The cost of food in the total cost of milk production participates from 44.50% in small farms that have a grazing system in the feeding, to 56.71% in Holstein cows in 2021.
The share of concentrate in the total cost of feeding is from 55.80% in Holstein cows in 2020 to 71.23% in small farms with a grazing system in the feeding.
The costs of production of corn silage in the feeding ratio in 2020. yaer amounted 0.0514 BAM / kg, and in the feeding ratio in 2021. Year 0.0433 BAM / kg.
The price of concentrate in the feeding ratio in 2020. Year was 0.55 BAM / kg, and in 2021. Year 0.72 BAM / kg
(1 BAM = 0,511 €) (1 BAM = 0, 59 $)
The coefficient of economy is from 1.4920 in farms with up to 10 Simmental cows, to 1.8214 in larger Holstein cow farms.
Milk; Feeding; Cost; Revenue; Economy coefficient
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