Double caustic, esophagic and pyloric stenosis post-ingestion of soda: Rare case

Monsoia Gildas Yassegoungbe 1, *, Médard Ayawo Guedenon 1, Codjo Serge Metchihoungbe 2, Mondukpé Grace Immaculée Sergine Dossou 1, Mahussi Henok Orion Akokpe 1, Mahunakpon Vihotogbé Léon Samuel Boris Gogan 1, Géraud Garcia Philemon Satingo Segbedji 1, Aldrico Pautin Covi 2 and Antoine Seraphin Gbenou 1

1 Pediatric Surgery Department of the Lagune Mother and Child University Hospital (CHU-MEL)/Cotonou Benin.
2 University Clinic of Pediatric Surgery of the National Hospital and University Center Hubert Koutoukou Maga (CNHU-HKM)/Cotonou/Benin.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(02), 039-043
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.2.0203
Publication history: 
Received on 01 April 2021; revised on 05 May 2021; accepted on 07 May 2021
The ingestion of caustic soda is frequently a source of complications. Esophageal stenosis remains among them the most frequent complication and by far the most formidable. Pyloric stenosis remains rare following ingestion of soda. We report through this clinical case, a cicatricial pyloric stenosis after ingestion of caustic soda associated with a stenosis of the esophagus having caused vomiting with the onset of severe malnutrition. The diagnosis was confirmed by the oeso-gastro-duodenal transit (OGDT) and the child underwent under general anesthesia an enlargement pyloroplasty according to Mikulicz initially and an esophageal dilation secondly to the candle of SAVARY. The postoperative follow-up was favorable with an improvement of the signs and a progressive postoperative weight gain after a follow-up of 06 months. The evolution was favorable after the monthly dilation sessions with a good resumption of transit.
Stenosis; Soda; Caustic; Esophagus; Pylorus
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