Disability and sexuality: The sexual life of the person living with a disability, his affective life and his life as a couple
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 544–563
Publication history:
Received on 01 April 2023; revised on 08 May 2023; accepted on 11 May 2023
Sexuality with a disabling disease, or serious disabling or disability: a sensitive subject probably due to the association of the two words: sexuality and disability. The question of the emotional life, the life of a couple, the sexuality of a person living with a disability remains a real social and cultural problem. This necessarily impacts on the people concerned because they are victims of their states of disability. This is a subject that is difficult to address both by the couple, by society and by health professionals. In addition, it should be noted that regardless of their physical or psychological state, their visible or invisible disability, their chronic, serious, rare, disabling or disabling illness, or simply their difference, everyone has their own sexual identity. The feeling of love, the affective life, the sexual life of a person with a disability, their life as a couple, pleasure, do not disappear with the onset of illness or disability, it is accessible to all, disabled, sick, in a couple or single, married or not, all have the right to sexuality, to an emotional life regardless of their physical appearance, their mental handicap or other differences... However, for many people in a situation of disability, living one's sexuality remains a difficult aspect in their life as a couple, or not, or in their daily lives.
Disability, whatever its origin, can contribute to the alteration or changes in the sexual life of a lambda individual, thus affecting his sexuality, his sexual pleasure... Health professionals are often confronted with suffering, physical and/or psychological pain. However, even today the question of the fulfillment and sexual serenity of people with disabilities remains a silent subject, an unresolved issue, not popularized, not a priority if I can put it that way, but the question of pleasure sex is often overlooked. It would seem that social representations approach the subject of the affective relationship and the love life of sick or disabled people, their life as a couple, their intimacy as a couple, their affective and love life, as being abnormality in the face of what they consider "normal".
Sexuality; People with disabilities; Cross-sectional life; Sexual pleasure; Affective life; Social representations
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