Digital transformation in pharmacy marketing: integrating AI and machine learning for optimized drug promotion and distribution
1 Vanderbilt University, USA.
2 Kaybat Pharmacy and Stores, Benin, Nigeria.
3 Independent Researcher; Nigeria.
4 Independent Researcher, Nigeria.
5 Roche Products Limited, Lagos Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 749–762
Publication history:
Received on 01 July 2022; revised on 25 August 2022; accepted on 28 August 2022
The digital transformation of pharmacy marketing, driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, is revolutionizing how drugs are promoted and distributed. This review examines the role of AI and machine learning in enabling more efficient, personalized marketing strategies, while also optimizing the supply chain and distribution processes within the pharmaceutical industry. By leveraging data-driven insights, pharmacies can enhance the reach and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, targeting specific demographics and predicting patient behaviors. AI tools such as predictive analytics, customer segmentation, and natural language processing (NLP) allow pharmacies to design highly personalized campaigns, delivering relevant messages to patients and healthcare providers at the optimal time. Machine learning also streamlines drug distribution by improving supply chain management and inventory control, reducing inefficiencies, and ensuring timely delivery. Predictive models can anticipate demand fluctuations, optimizing logistics to prevent shortages or overstocking. These technologies provide pharmacies with real-time market insights, enabling faster adaptation to changing market trends and patient needs. Furthermore, AI-enabled tools help track and measure campaign performance, facilitating continuous refinement for better outcomes. Despite the numerous advantages, the implementation of AI in pharmacy marketing raises challenges, particularly around data privacy and ethical considerations in patient-targeted marketing. The review addresses these concerns, advocating for responsible use of AI to maintain patient trust while maximizing the benefits of these advanced technologies. Finally, it explores future trends, such as AI-driven automation and further integration of machine learning in healthcare operations, predicting a transformative shift toward more efficient, data-centric pharmacy marketing and distribution. This digital transformation offers significant potential for improving patient engagement, operational efficiency, and market growth.
Digital Transformation; AI; Drug Promotion; Review
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