Development of probiotics and prebiotics product as weaning food for infants

Shreya Singh * and Neetu Singh

School for Home, Science F.S.T B.B.A. U, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01), 073-076
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.1.1376
Publication history: 
The present investigation entitled “Development of probiotics & prebiotics product as weaning food for infants” was based upon Probiotics and prebiotics which is beneficial for bacteria grow back and good digestion capability. Prebiotics function is to increase our gut healthy bacteria groups such as bifid bacterium and lactobacillus. Food containing probiotics (bacteria) and prebiotics (fermented fibre) are called symbiotic food because a component stimulates the activity of the other, being twice effective. In this research work mainly three weaning foods were developed with different compositional values of milk and starch weaning food i.e., M ilk (120 ml), starch (30 ml), M ilk and bread weaning food, M ilk (120 ml), bread (3 slice), M ilk, fruits pulp weaning food, milk (120 ml), fruits pulp (56 g). Highly accepted weaning food is milk and starch weaning food among the three products.

Weaning food; Digestion; Stimulates; Probiotics; Capability
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