Design and production of an automatic temperature regulation system for a biodigester (Republic of Guinea)

Kade Bailo Bah 1, *, Ansoumane Sakouvogui 2, Jean Ouéré Toupouvogui 3, Mamby Keita 4 and Mawiatou BAH 4

1 Department of Instrumentation and Physical Measurements, Higher Institute of Technology, Mamou, BP 63, Guinea.
2 Department of Energy, Higher Institute of Technology, Mamou, BP 63, Guinea.
3 Department of Instrumentation and Physical Measurements, Higher Institute of Technology of Mamou, BP 63, Guinea.
4 Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, BP 1147, Guinea.
Research Article
Global Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 2024, 22(03), 547-553
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1696
Publication history: 
Received 25 April 2024; revised 5 June 2024; accepted on 7 June 2024
Automatic temperature regulation system is crucial to optimize the anaerobic fermentation process and maximize biogas production. In this study, we implemented an automatic system integrating GSM technology to enable remote temperature control and regulation. For this, we installed a temperature sensor inside the biodigester in order to monitor these thermal variations, the data collected by this sensor is transmitted to the central control system via an Arduino Uno module.
The latter compares the received data with predefined thresholds and accordingly sends adjustment commands to the heating system. Operators can monitor and adjust temperature parameters remotely via SMS messages through the SIM800 GSM module. Through this system, the temperature of the biodigester can be maintained at optimal levels, thereby promoting efficient digestion of organic materials and continuous production of biogas, while providing convenient and responsive remote management.
Automatic regulation; Biodigester; Temperature; Organic waste; Arduino
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