Dental examination and dental health education for little star pre-school toddlers and young children

Meyrinda Tobing 1, *, Ibnu Gunawan 1, Arini Indriyasari 1, Lintang Mega Pratiwi 1, Dorisna Prijaryanti 2 and Joko Widyastomo 3

1 Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Kadiri University, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
2 Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Kadiri University, Kedii, East Java, Indonesia
3 Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Kadiri University, Kedii, East Java, Indonesia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 332–336
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.2.2336
Publication history: 
Received on 21 June 2024; revised on 31 July 2024; accepted on 02 August 2024
Oral and dental problems in Indonesia is still very high. One of the most common oral health problems is dental caries. The incidence of dental caries in children reached 92.6%. So that efforts are needed to reduce the incidence of dental caries in children, one of which is through dental examinations and dental health education. Toddler group and pre-school toddlers were chosen because at that age dental health education needs to be instilled so that it is expected to have an impact on oral health behavior. impact on the behavior of maintaining oral health. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding of the parents of toddlers and toddlers towards oral health. The partner of this community service activity is little star, which is a pre-school community for toddlers and toddlers. Pre-school community for toddlers and toddlers with 40 participants. This community service begins with oral health examination activities by a dentist to the toddlers and toddlers of the little star pre-school group. Providing dental health education material was carried out by Faculty of Dentistry students of Kadiri University to parents of toddlers and toddlers. After the provision of material is carried out post-test. The results obtained in the dental examination were 32.5% of toddlers and toddlers had dental caries and 2.5% had fluorosis. Knowledge of parents of toddlers and toddlers after being given dental health education material shows as much as 90% of parents of toddlers and toddlers have a fairly good understanding. Therefore, with this community service activity is expected to foster children's behavior to maintain oral health children to maintain oral health.   
Dental Caries; Dental Health Education; Little Star Pre-School Community; Toddlers
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