Dendrimers a new class of polymer in Drug Delivery System; Synthesis and Application

Gayatri Gajendra Patil 1, Pranav A. Patil 1, Rameshwar A.Kakde 1, Lalit V. Patil 1, Yash P.Nikum 1, Adhiraj Channwal 1, Kalpit Hendve 1, Rohit V. Baviskar 2 and Kuldip R. Patil 2, * 

1 Trimurti Institute of Pharmacy, Paldhi, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India, 425103.
2 Department of Pharmaceutics, TSPM’S Trimurti Institute of Pharmacy Paldhi, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India, 425103.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 797–810
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.1.0368
Publication history: 
Received on 12 January 2024; revised on 30 June 2024; accepted on 03 July 2024
Dendrimers is a tree like structure; Dendrimers are characterized by branched repeating units that emerge from a focal point. Drugs are delivered through nanotubes in therapy, and specifically in the treatment of cancerous tumors. They protect drugs from being destroyed in the bloodstream, regulate delivery through precise release kinetics, and, ideally, provide exogenous or endogenous stimulus-based targeting properties of a vector or release mechanism. In comparison to spherical drug delivery systems. Mainly using two strategies can broadly divergent and convergent method. Divergent synthesis starting from EDTA. Dendrimers are applicable for cancer treatment, nucleic acid cancer and nonomedicine.
Branch chain polymer; Divergent; Convergent; EDTA; Cancer therapy; Nanomedicine
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