Delineation of geological formations and their influence on groundwater in Umunneochi L.G.A of Abia State and Its Environs
1 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Petroleum and Gas Processing Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 667–674
Publication history:
Received on 15 July 2023; revised on 09 September 2023; accepted on 11 September 2023
For socioeconomic growth and environmental wellbeing of the populace, the availability and sustainable management of groundwater resources is very crucial. Effective management and use of this invaluable resources requires an understanding of the subsurface geological formations and their impact on groundwater. This study was carried out in other to delineate the subsurface geological formations and evaluate their impact on groundwater availability in Umunneochi Local Government Area (L.G.A) of Abia State and its environs using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) analysis. The study includes gathering resistivity data via a network of VES surveys carried out at twelve key locations in six selected town within Umunneochi L.G.A. The field data were subsequently interpreted using an iteration software IP2WIN to identify various geological formations and evaluate their potential as aquifers, which substantially impact groundwater occurrence and distribution. The research findings showed distinct geological units with resistivity values ranging from 0.37 - 2000Ωm, which is indicating a variety of lithological properties, with sand and gravel layers showing higher permeability representing potential aquifers. The results of this study have significant implications for groundwater management in Umunneochi L.G.A. and its surroundings, and also provide recommendations for the strategic placement of boreholes and wells to maximize groundwater extraction and long-term use.
Aquifer; Permeability; Subsurface; Resistivity; Groundwater Extraction; Borehole
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