Cystic lymphangioma of the neck in adults: A report of four cases
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Hassan II university hospital, university of Sidi Mohammed Benabdellah FES, MOROCCO.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 281–287
Publication history:
Received on 12 March 2023; revised on 02 May 2023; accepted on 05 May 2023
Background: Cystic lymphangioma is a rare malformation characterized by a cystic structure deriving from detachment of lymph sacs from venous drainage systems. It is the result of the dilatation of capillary and sinusoidal lymphatic vessels still connected to the lymphatic network.
Case presentation: In the following article, we describe the clinical and pathological features of cystic lymphangioma of the neck in four adults who underwent a surgical removal of the tumor with a well postoperative progress.
Discussion and conclusion: Contrarily to children, the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma in adults is exceptional. Patients with cystic lymphangioma of the neck are often asymptomatic; However, the lesion growth may cause respiratory disorders, dysphagia, or vascular and neurological compression syndromes. There are multiple modalities of treatment however the surgical complete removal remain the treatment of choice.
Cystic lymphangioma; Neck mass; Adult; Neck surgery
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