Curriculum evaluation innovation in realizing superior madrasa in Ma Wahab Chasbullah Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang Indonesia

Agus Moh. Sholahuddin *, Mujamil Qomar and Nur Efendi

Islamic Education Management, Doctoral Program of UIN Ali Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(01), 102–108
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.1.1973
Publication history: 
Received on 17 August 2023; revised on 28 September 2023; accepted on 30 September 2023
This research departs from the research context that the curriculum is the core of the field of education and influences all educational activities. With the development of education now, every educational institution must have innovation, especially in curriculum management, so that education will continue to develop and exist in facing the challenges of the times. Madrasah Aliyah Unggulan Wahab Chasbullah Bahrul 'Ulum Tambakberas also uses an integrated curriculum by combining the national curriculum with the pesantren curriculum. This cannot be separated from the innovation that continues to be carried out, especially in curriculum management.
The focus of this research is curriculum evaluation innovation in creating superior madrasa. This research uses a qualitative type of phenomenological approach, and the methods are interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is data collection, data condensation, and conclusion. This research is expected to contribute to the study and development of theory in managing Islamic educational institutions, especially curriculum management innovation in creating superior madrasa.
The results of this study are curriculum evaluation innovations carried out by madrasah heads through evaluating educators/educational staff and students. The evaluation uses Google Forms, clinical supervision, continuous reviews with teachers, and madrasah self-evaluation (EDM). The assessment is carried out on students through tests and non-tests such as observations, tests, practices, and mentoring students who excel or have problems.
Innovation; Curriculum Management; Leading Madrasah; Superior Madrasah; Madrasah Self-Evaluation
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