Cryptogenic organized pneumonia: Case report and literature review
Department of Pneumology, Arrazi Hospital, LRMS labo, CHU Mohammed VI, Marrakech, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 488–496
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.2.0841
Publication history:
Received on 11 July 2022; revised on 18 August 2022; accepted on 20 August 2022
Introduction: cryptogenic organized pneumonia is a clinical, radiological and histological entity classified as interstitial lung disease.
Case Report: A 40 year old man had initially consulted for influenza-like syndrome. Our clinical examination founded dry crackling rails in bilateral lungs , the tomography showed condensation fireplace and bilateral ground glass fireplaces in relation to the condensing foci seat by place of sub-pleural cross-linkings achieving an aspect of crazy paving, ground glass fireplace surrounded by condensation achieving the aspect of inverted halo. The patient was initially treated as bacterial pneumonia but without improvement under multiple antibiotic therapies. Bronchoscopy had objectified an endoscopic appearance without particularity. The etiological assessment was negative. The diagnosis of cryptogenic organized pneumonitis in its was retained. Systemic corticosteroid therapy was prescribed and the assessment at 3 months, 5 months of treatment had noted a clear and frank improvement clinically and radiologically with a relapse at the 9 Th month following the stop a corticosteroid therapy.
Discussion: Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia, was recently defined by an ATS/ERS consensus conference. Diagnosis is established by combining clinical, radiological and histological criteria. Most patients respond well to corticosteroid therapy. Relapses are frequent but can generally be controlled with moderate doses of prednisone.
Conclusion: POC has become a well-characterized entity among idiopathic interstitial lung diseases. It is characterized by a usual clinic-radiological presentation, often with a good prognosis and their management requires a multidisciplinary approach.
Bronchiolitis obliterans; Organizing pneumonia; Secondary organized lung disease; Idiopathic interstitial lung disease; Cryptogenic organized Pneumonia; Interstitial lung disease
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