The correlation of safety riding knowledge and traffic accident rates for online motorcycle taxi drivers in Malang city
Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology (ITN), Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 787-793
Publication history:
Received on 10 October 2022; revised on 17 November 2022; accepted on 20 November 2022
Safety riding behavior is one of the methods that must be applied for motorists so that the atmosphere of driving on the road can be more orderly in order to achieve security and comfort, especially on the highway. This effort continues to be encouraged with the aim of reducing the number of accidents that are increasingly occurring, both with injured and dead victims. Safety riding is one way to be able to behave safely and comfortably when driving on the highway both for oneself and for other drivers. Online motorcycle taxi is a small part of motorist who passes by on the highway in carrying out their activities. The primary factor that online motorcycle taxi drivers need to take into account is how to drive so that driving safety and security for drivers, passengers, and other drivers can be well maintained. Driving on the highway, especially for two-wheeled riders, requires more concentration and focus on traffic signs so that negligence that causes accidents can be avoided since the number of two-wheeled riders certainly outweighs the number of four-wheeled riders in Malang city. Thus, the traffic densest almost every day considering that Malang is a city of education and a holiday tourist destination. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the safety riding awareness of online motorcycle taxi drivers who drive on the highway with the achievable level of safety. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach that aims to determine the safety riding knowledge of online motorcycle taxi drivers. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire.
The analysis of the results reveals that males make up the majority of the online motorcycle taxi drivers in Malang city, with 23 out of a total of 25 respondents being male, 11 people (44%), in the age range of 27 to 35, and 13 people having the most work experience, which is 4-6 years. Of the 25 respondents, nearly 12 or 48% have a good understanding of safe riding, demonstrating that the drivers are aware of the value of driving safely on the highway for everyone's safety.
Accidents; Knowledge; Online motorcycle; Safety riding
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