The correlation of decreased vertical dimensions with occurrence of angular cheilitis in elderly at the integrated healthcare center of elderly in Gurah Village, Gurah District, Kediri

Hanifah Arya Lutfita 1, Herlambang Prehananto 2, *, Sawitri Dwi Indah Pertami 2 and Nikmatus Sa’adah 2

1 Faculty of Dentistry, Institute of Health Sciences Bhakti Wiyata, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia.
2 Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Institute of Health Sciences Bhakti Wiyata, Kediri, East Java Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 295–299
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1792
Publication history: 
Received on 24 July 2023; revised on 03 September 2023; accepted on 05 September 2023
Tooth loss is a state of detachment of one or more teeth from their sockets. This condition if not treated will cause changes in the face due to a decrease in vertical dimensions. The deep folds at the corners of the mouth allow saliva to come out of the mouth and tend to collect in the area thereby creating a moist and conducive environment for the growth of fungi or bacteria which will cause new problems, namely the emergence of abnormalities in the mucocutaneous area called Angular cheilitis. The study aims to determine the correlation between the decrease in the vertical dimension and the occurrence of Angular cheilitis In the Elderly at the Integrated Healthcare Center of Elderly in Gurah Village, Gurah District, Kediri. This study used an analytical observational design, with a cross-sectional design with sampling techniques using purposive sampling. The data obtained are then analyzed and interpreted to test the hypothesis using the Fisher exact alternative test and the contingency coefficient correlation test. The results showed the significance value of the Fisher exact test on both variables is 0.025 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) and Contingency coefficient test value of 0.001 Approx. Sig and a value of 0.476 mean that there is a moderate correlation. There is a moderate correlation between a decrease in the vertical dimension and its occurrence of Angular cheilitis In the Elderly at the Integrated Healthcare Center of Elderly in Gurah Village, Gurah District, Kediri.
Loss of Teeth; Decreased Vertical Dimension; Angular Cheilitis; Pathogenic Bacteria; Elderly.
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