Corporate marketing in modern hospitals and satisfaction level of corporate clients in Bangladesh

Somaiyah Sarwar *, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Md. Mostafa Kamal, Swapna Chowdhury, Shuma Roy, Tanjina Shahid and Farah Tiyaba Tabassum

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Development Alternative (UODA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 245–264
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.2859
Publication history: 
Received on 08 August 2024; revised on 22 September 2024; accepted on 25 September 2024
The study's abstract emphasizes the Marketing Department's dual responsibility in creating external awareness and disseminating internal information in modern hospitals. To improve service quality and management decision-making, the department keeps an eye on patient happiness and oversees communication, advertising, corporate agreements and feedback methods. Key research findings show that while corporate patients generally value the department's cutting-edge technology and the expertise of its staff, they do have reservations about the department's responsiveness and punctuality, particularly with regard to inpatient care. Patients in the Outpatient Department (OPD) expressed greater levels of satisfaction than those in the Inpatient Department (IPD), where patients expressed greater dissatisfaction with personalized care and error correction. To increase general patient happiness, recommendations include enhancing service speed, providing personnel training, and attending to particular patient requirements.
Modern hospital; Healthcare; Awareness Patient’s satisfaction; Outpatient département; Inpatient department
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