Core value of love and engagement of grade six competency-based curriculum learners at Wajir School for the Deaf, Wajir East Sub- County, Wajir County, Kenya
Department of Counselling Psychology, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 445–450
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1825
Publication history:
Received on 12 July 2023; revised on 06 September 2023; accepted on 08 September 2023
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is based on learners developing core competencies to shape their characters. Love is an important value in life. Learners in schools are guided to portray a caring attitude of emotional support and interpersonal relationships towards each other. This study aims to investigate the significance of core value of love in promoting class engagement for deaf learners. The study was anchored on the theory of social cognitive by Albert Bandura and took on a quantitative correlational research design. Census sampling was employed to select all the 10 learners in grade six level at Wajir School for the Deaf. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and Engagement vs. Disaffection with learning student-report to measure love and engagement respectively and analyzed using descriptive analysis. From the findings majority of the participants had high levels of feeling love (M=4.03 and SD=.534). The results also indicated that level of engagement in class for participants was slightly above the middle point (M=3.11 and SD=.455) From the results, the Pearson correlation coefficient value was -.063 which indicated a weak negative relationship between a learner experiencing love and engagement levels in class. The study recommends that it is essential for teachers for deaf learners to increase class engagement using variety of techniques such as interactive activities and visual presentations.
Competency Based Curriculum; Deaf; Engaged; Learners; Love
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