Congenital Cutis laxa: Two pediatric cases

Ghita Hachim *, Yamna kriouel and Asmae Alaoui Mdaghri

Department of P2, Unit of Dysmorphology and Developmental Anomalies, Children's Hospital of Rabat, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 086–091
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.15.3.0892
Publication history: 
Received on 31 July 2022; revised on 01 September 2022; accepted on 03 September 2022
The Cutis laxa syndrome is a group of rare heterogeneous disorders of the elastic tissue characterized mainly by wrinkled, loose skin giving an aged appearance, which may be associated with skeletal abnormalities, developmental abnormalities, and even severe systemic involvement.
Cutis laxa syndrome (CL) is either acquired or congenital. There are several forms of congenital cutis laxa distinguished according to the mode of transmission, the extent of visceral involvement, associated anomalies, and the severity of the disease: autosomal dominant CL, autosomal recessive CL, X-linked CL.
In the light of data from the medical literature and through the observation of 2 sisters followed up in a pediatric dysmorphology consultation for congenital cutis laxa, the authors underline the clinical, paraclinical, etiogenotypic, therapeutic, and evolutionary peculiarities of this rare disease.
Cutis laxa; Genetic transmission; Hyperlaxity skin; Histological analysis
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