Conceptualizing emerging technologies and ICT adoption: Trends and challenges in Africa-US contexts

Wisdom Samuel Udo 1, *, Nneka Adaobi Ochuba 1, Olatunji Akinrinola 2 and Yinka James Ololade 3

1 Independent Researcher, United Kingdom.
2 Independent Researcher, New York, USA.
3 Independence Researcher, Addison, Texas.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1676–1683
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0872
Publication history: 
Received on 01 February 2024; revised on 13 March 2024; accepted on 15 March 2024
This review paper explores the adoption trends, challenges, and opportunities surrounding Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and emerging technologies in the Africa-US contexts. It identifies key drivers influencing technology adoption and outlines innovative solutions for sustainable development by analyzing the current state of ICT infrastructure, policy frameworks, socio-economic factors, and cultural considerations. The comparative analysis highlights disparities between Africa and the US while emphasizing the potential for cross-continental collaborations. Implications for stakeholders, including governments, businesses, NGOs, and communities, and recommendations for fostering an enabling environment for technology adoption are discussed. By addressing gaps in research and embracing collaborative efforts, ICT and emerging technologies can drive transformative change, promoting inclusive growth and societal advancement in both regions.
ICT Adoption; Emerging Technologies; Africa-US Relations; Sustainable Development; Cross-Continental Collaborations; Policy Recommendations.
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