Computational fluid dynamics approaches: An overview
Department of Mathematics, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha 752050, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 1592–1596
Publication history:
Received on 12 November 2023; revised on 21 December 2023; accepted on 23 December 2023
This special article is a collection of 28 review articles from different fluid flow approaches. The present article summarizes the recent research developments regarding the theoretical and experimental investigations about thermal conductivity of different nanofluids. The current study analyzes several factors those strongly affecting thermal conductivity of nanofluids include solid volume fraction, temperature, particle size, particle type, particle shape, different base fluids, magnetic field, pH, surfactant and ultrasonic time. In addition, different reasonably attractive models contributing augmentation of thermal conductivity of nanofluids are invoked. Finally, important heat transfer mechanisms namely Brownian motion, nanoclustering, thermophoresis, osmophoresis and interfacial nano-layer responsible for significant role in ameliorating the thermal conductivity and therefore the heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids are discussed.
MHD boundary layer; Heat transfer; Shrinking sheet; Heat source/sink; Shooting technique.
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