Competency development of the transition era of nursing student’s road to register Ners as agents of change
1 Department of Nursing, Makassar Health Polytechnic 90222, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 Ners Generalist Cempaka Room Special Hospital Dadi South Sulawesi, 90131, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 384–390
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1559
Publication history:
Received on 26 May 2023; revised on 01 August 2023; accepted on 04 August 2023
The main challenge faced by lecturers and academic staff is to prepare a competitive nursing curriculum that is connected to employment to prepare final year students for the Register of Ners (RN) during the transition period. Study to analyze and evaluate the transition process of late-stage nursing students to gain competencies according to clinical needs through clinical preceptorship. Cross sectional study analysis was used in this study. Sample characteristics include academic staff, 3rd year nursing students and nurse practitioners. The questionnaire consisted of 2 groups, 22 questions for staff and students, 23 questions for nurse practitioners. Test the validity of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with an acceptance limit of 0.72 vs 0.73, (theory vs clinical function). SPPS data analysis is used according to design using descriptive statistics. Academic research is very minimally applied in clinical (85%), lack of knowledge and skills of academic staff (70%), use of conventional methods of ward management (72%), irrelevance of total working hours to nurse workload (82%), advantages and disadvantages of using standard clinical protocols (79%), nursing learning outcomes are not applied in health practice after graduation. The gap between theory and practice will interfere with the development of nursing specificity competencies in the face of the transition period towards Register Ners (RN's) as part of the renewal modality. Various recommended efforts to reduce this gap include through preceptorship training..
Clinical Competence; Nursing students; Registered nurse; Preceptorship
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