Community involvement and performance of secondary schools in Kassanda Town Council, Kassanda District

Kalonde Gonzaga 1, Asiimwe Specioza 1, * and Asiimwe Tina 2

1 School of Graduate, Department of Educations, Kampala University, Kampala Uganda.
2 Department of Education, Nkumba University, Kampala, Uganda.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 076–082
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1306
Publication history: 
Received on 20 March 2024; revised on 28 April 2024; accepted on 30 April 2024
The purpose of study is to establish the ways of community involvement in management of secondary schools in Kassanda district. The study was conducted in Kassanda Town Council, Kassanda district, the study adopted a descriptive survey research designs based on both qualitative and quantitative research design. The data was collected from 50 respondents who were the parents and local leaders of Kassanda Town Council. The study findings reveal that whereas the community provides involvement in schools, the ways of participation are quite limited. The community makes some few contributions to the performance of the secondary schools and is limited by poverty of the communities and lack of policy for involving community in participating in schools. The study recommends that there is a need to orient and educate or the stakeholders on their responsibility of participating in decision making process in schools as well as ensure transparency and accountability of the funds they help to raise and that deliberate involvement of the community in affairs of the school. The study also recommends that policy formulation on matters on management of secondary schools should be all inclusive so that it can address the societal needs.
Community; Involvement; Performance; Management Secondary; Schools
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