Clinical picture and grouping of retinoblastoma at first presentation to a tertiary Hospital in Dar es Salaam: Implications for treatment outcomes

Milka Madaha Mafwiri *, Jacqueline Ngalula, Ntsilane Susan Mosenene, Celina Mhina and Anna Sanyiwa

Department of Ophthalmology, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(03), 168–177
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.11.3.0363
Publication history: 
Received on 30 June 2021; revised on 04 August 2021; accepted on 06 August 2021
Objectives: To assess the clinical picture and grouping of retinoblastoma at first presentation to the oncology ward at Muhimbili National Hospital.
Methods: A cross sectional descriptive hospital based study was conducted from April to December 2018. Seventy two patients who presented for the first time to Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) with a diagnosis of retinoblastoma were consecutively sampled and recruited in the study. Visual acuity, horizontal corneal diameter, intraocular pressure, anterior and posterior segments of the eye were assessed and each eye was classified according to the International Classification of Retinoblastoma (ICRB) group. Ultrasonography, neuroimaging and histology were performed.
Results: A total of 72 patients comprising of 90 affected eyes were recruited and analyzed: 39(54.2%) males and 33(45.8%) females. Majority of patients were residents of the Coastal and Lake Zones. Family history of Retinoblastoma was positive in only one patient. Fifty four (75.0%) patients had unilateral disease. Leukocoria (77.8%) and proptosis (41.7%) were the commonest first clinical signs noted by the family and health workers at MNH respectively. At MNH, both bilateral and unilateral cases presented with advanced disease of group E and extra ocular extension where 84(93.3%) eyes were indicated for enucleation. The median lag time from disease onset to presentation at MNH was 4 months.
Conclusion: Leukocoria was the commonest first sign of retinoblastoma presentation at home. However, despite early presentation to primary health facilities, most patients presented to the tertiary centre of MNH late with advanced disease. Efforts to raise awareness on retinoblastoma to both health workers and the community are important for early case detection, referral, diagnosis and treatment in order to improve visual outcomes and survival rates of retinoblastoma patients. 
Retinoblastoma; Clinical Picture; ICRB Grouping; Treatment outcomes
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