Clinical phenotypes and risk factors of hidradenitis suppurativa: A retrospective study of 57 Moroccan patients
1 Department of dermatology and venerology. Ibn Rochd University Hospital. Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. University Hassan II. Casablanca.Morocco.
2 The national center for burns and reconstructive surgery. Ibn Rochd University Hospital. Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. University Hassan II. Casablanca. Morocco.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 2324–2330
Publication history:
Received on 19 February 2024; revised on 27 March 2024; accepted on 29 March 2024
Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis. It is a challenging disease characterized by a clinical phenotypic heterogeneity. Clinical phenotypes of HS have different epidemiological and evolutive features, with a significant impact on the therapeutic management. To our days, literature data concerning clinical phenotypes of HS still scarce.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective descriptive study in a Moroccan population, to identify the main clinical phenotype of HS and its risk factors, as a primordial step towards a personalized approach in the management of HS.
Results: Fifty-seven patients were included. Gluteal phenotype (LC2) was the most represented (85.96%).The mean age of onset of symptoms in this group was 31years old.A male predominance (77.41%) was observed. Acne in adolescence was found in 18 patients (36.73%).Thirty-nine patients (79.59%) were active smokers. Fourteen patients (29.16%) had a prolonged sitting position. Their professional occupation was:drivers (n=10), shopkeepers(n=3) and secretaries (n=1).Five patients (10.20%) had a family history of hidradenitis suppurativa. Mean body mass index was 23.87. Follicular phenotype (LC3) was observed in 8 patients (14.03%).The average age of onset of symptomatology was 37 years old. A female predominance was noted(62.5%).Acne was found in 3 patients(37.5%),active smoking in 2 patients (25%).Mean body mass index was 22.83. Axillary-mammary phenotype (LC1) was observed only in a 15-year-old non-smoking girl in overweight presenting intermammary fold fistulas.
Conclusions: The predominance of the gluteal phenotype in our population may be related to genetic factors, intestinal microbiota and prolonged gluteal friction.Large-scale analytical studies are needed to support these hypothesis.
Hidradenitis suppurativa; Clinical phenotypes; Gluteal phenotype LC2.
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