Centella asiatica: A mini review of its medicinal properties and different uses
Department of pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 1185–1191
Publication history:
Received on 15 July 2023; revised on 22 August 2023; accepted on 25 August 2023
A useful plant for human medicine is Centella asiatica (L.). Centella asiatica (L.) is widely used in conventional medicine, including unani, ayurveda, and herbal treatments. It is an important medicinal herb used around the world that is perennial, creeping, and barely fragrant. It is found throughout the world's tropical and subtropical regions, including Bangladesh, India, China, Nepal, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, and others. The herb is suggested for the treatment of a number of skin problems, including leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, diseases of the female genitourinary system, as well as for reducing anxiety and enhancing cognition. Science has validated the bioactive components and promoted several of its uses. In order to provide a easy summary of this plant, We have assessed the ancient literature that is available in search of the medicinal value of C. asiatica. We tried to compare ancient literature findings with our practical experience and insights in the context of Bangladesh.
Centella asiatica; Therapeutic; Phytoconstituents; Ayurveda
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