Catalyzed-Mea conversion of Agro-biomass to paper-pulp: Influence of pulping additives and synergy effect on pulp screened yield
1 Chemical, Fiber and Environmental Technology Department, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, F.I.I.R.O., Lagos-Nigeria.
2 Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC).
3 Planning, Technology Transfer and Information Management, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, F.I.I.R.O., Lagos-Nigeria.
4 Production, Analytical and Laboratory Management, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, F.I.I.R.O., Lagos-Nigeria.
5 National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), Abuja-Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 392–400
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0594
Publication history:
Received on 01 October 2021; revised on 09 November 2021; accepted on 11 November 2021
In this research work, the effect of three (3) pulping additives such as polysulfide, Anthraquinone and surfactant used in the monoethanolamine (MEA) pulping of agro-biomass, their possible interactions and synergy effect on pulp screened yield were investigated. The pulping conditions of the digester were adjusted so that the experimental design considered the following factors and levels: 75% MEA charge, 150oC cooking temperature, 90minutes cooking time, 4 to 1Liquor- Biomass ratio. Factor 1: 0, 0.25 and 0.5% Surfactant charge, Factor 2: 0, 2.0 and 4.0% polysulfide charge, Factor 3: 0, 0.25 and 0.5% anthraquinone charge. The Agro-biomass was evaluated in terms of pulp screened yield. Heating time ranged from 5 to 45minutes and maximum cooking time did not exceed 90minutes, liquor biomass ratio was 4 to 1 and Liquor charge was 75% MEA. The yield for MEA with 4% Polysulfide (PS) dosage without the inclusion of Surfactant and Anthraquinone was highest (59.08%) in all the twenty seven (27) experimental runs, but furnished the highest reject (12.26%) and an unimpressive screened yield of 46.82% standing amongst the least possible outcomes. The yield for MEA with 0.25% Anthraquinone (AQ) dosage without the inclusion of Surfactant and Polysulfide furnished a total yield of 50.32%, pulp screened yield of 50.03% with a minimal reject of 0.29 showing to be more efficient than the use of polysulfide. Monoethanolamine (MEA) pulping with 0.5% surfactant (Surf.) dosage without the inclusion of other additives i.e. AQ and PS achieved 51.12% total screened yield with a reject of only 0.33% furnishing the highest pulp screened yield (50.79%) thereby showing more efficiency amongst the three (3) pulping additives investigated in this research study base on single use. However, the result obtained from the combination of the three (3) pulping additives furnished the highest screened yield (52.43) with 4.23% reject in scenario E, experiment No. 15, involving the combination of 0.25% surfactant, 0.25% anthraquinone and 4% polysulfide charge showing the best synergistic effect. Although the highest screened yield (53.04% and the least reject (0.13%) indicating the best possible outcome amongst the entire twenty seven (27) experimental runs came from the combination of 0.25% surfactant and 2% polysulfide charge. If we have to consider the use of surfactant and polysulfide alone, the best possible outcome came from the combination of 0.25% surfactant and 2% polysulfide charge in experiment 20 of scenario G. Analyses of the overall experimental results show that there is considerable advantage and a positive synergy effect in the use of additives in pulping operation.
MEA-Pulping; kraft; EFB of Oil Palm; Beating; Pulp Screen yield; Soda-Pulping; Paper-pulp
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