Cashew production, consumption and utilization: Implication on health of end users
Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, P.M.B 5244, Ibadan,Oyo State, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(01), 182–186
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.1.0297
Publication history:
Received on 01 March 2022; revised on 04 April 2022; accepted on 06 April 2022
This study examined the implication of cashew production, consumption and utilization on the health of end-users. Desk research was carried out using past published literatures. The study outlined the effects of production, consumption and utilization of cashew on human health. The benefits of cashew production, consumption and utilization outweighed the negative effects. Cashew production and use should be promoted because it is beneficial in the treatment of a variety of diseases and ailments. More study on reducing chemical components (allergens) found in unroasted cashews should be encouraged by the government and other stakeholders in the cashew value chain to reduce their sensitivity to people.
This will improve the contributions of the crop to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.
Cashew; Production; Consumption; Utilization; Health implication; Gross Domestic Product
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