A case study in scholarly publishing: The first 100 days of Open Clinical Annals, a platinum open access journal

Lucas Costa 1, * and Mary Big 2, 3

1 Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, Open Clinical Annals, Belize and USA.
2 Senior Editor, Editorial Board, Open Clinical Annals, Belize and USA.
3 Member, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1621–1626
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1594
Publication history: 
Received on 12 May 2024; revised on 20 May 2024; accepted on 23 May 2024
Open Clinical Annals, an online medical/scientific journal, aims to disseminate well-conducted research at no cost to readers or authors. This case study explores its unique zero-cost operations model and analyzes its first 100 days, highlighting its novel approach and publications. Methodological outlines unveil strategic launch procedures, showcasing diverse publications and growing engagement metrics. Challenges ahead include sustaining the no-cost model and scaling operations. The journal seeks to gather more data to develop a proven model for Platinum Open Access publishing.
Academic Publishing; Case Study; Information Dissemination; Peer Review; Open Access
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