A case study of conduct disorder

Alberta Shkembi 1, *, GjeorgjinaKuli-Lito 2, Elda Skenderi 3, Genti Xheliliaj 3, Gentjana Cekani 4 and Eduart Makishti 5

 1 Clinical Psychologist, University Hospital Center “Mother Tereza”, Tirana, Albania.
2 Professor, Chief of Pediatric Infectious Disease Ward, University Hospital Center “Mother Tereza”, Tirana, Albania.
3 Pediatrician, General Pediatric Ward, University Hospital Center “Mother Tereza”, Tirana, Albania.
4 Social work, General Pediatric Ward, University Hospital Center “Mother Tereza”, Tirana, Albania.
5 Medical specialist, Health Care Insurance Fund Tirana, Albani.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 2822–2825
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.1.2284
Publication history: 
Received on 17 June 2024; revised on 26 July 2024; accepted on 29 July 2024
This article presents a case study of conduct disorder. The patient is 12 years old, she manifests symptoms of conduct disorder. These symptoms affect her daily functioning, affect academic performance, relationships with friends and relations with parents. The patient followed cognitive behavior therapy. Family dynamics can be considered difficult, due to the older age of parents. The therapeutic relationship can be described as good, since the patient willingly comes to therapy, but there are challenges during the process as she tends to respond very briefly. The behavior has changed during the therapy.
Conduct Disorder; Cognitive Behavior Therapy; Child; Behavior; Daily functioning.
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