A case report: Surgical esthetic crown lengthening procedure for gummy smile treatment
Department of Pеriodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Univеrsitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonеsia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 408–413
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0233
Publication history:
Received on 28 December 2022; revised on 09 February 2023; accepted on 11 February 2023
Background: In modern society, a harmonious smile is considered a symbol of beauty. An attractive smile can improve appearance so that a person is more easily accepted in society. In planning dental treatment to be carried out, aesthetic considerations are very relevant because of the relationship between smile and facial beauty.
Purpose: The purpose of writing this article is to describe a crown lengthening accompanied by bone reduction to correct an excessive gingival display in a patient with altered passive eruption (APE) of the maxillary anterior teeth.
Case: A 28-year-old female patient came to the Periodontology Specialist Polyclinic at RSGM Airlangga University with complaints that the gums on the upper front teeth looked more dominant. The patient did not have problems with the periodontal tissue and had no history of systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and had no history of allergies to food and drugs.
Case Management: After analyzing the periodontal tissue, the choice of crown lengthening with bone reduction was chosen to treat this case. Conclusion: procedures Crown lengthening have been performed as a viable option to facilitate restorative therapy or improve esthetic appearance.
Gummy Smile; Crown Longening; Altered Passive Eruption; Case report
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