Cardiac involvement in chagas disease

Hernando Enrique Thorné Vélez 1, *, Brigeth Solanyi Duarte Mesa 2, Ana María Thorné Vélez 3, Natalia Peñaloza Barrios 4, Leonardo José Mier Martínez 5, Eduard Orlando Vargas Plazas 6, Julian Gomez González 7, Nélida del Carmen Hurtado Sará 8 and Zaira Molina Artunduaga 9

1 General Surgery Resident, Universidad Libre.
2 General Physician, Universidad de Antioquia.
3 General Physician, Universidad del Sinù Elias Bechara Zainum.
4 General Physician, Universidad del Sinú Cartagena.                                      
5 General Physician, Universidad de Sucre.
6 General Physician, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Pasto.
7 General Physician, Universidad del Sinú.
8 General Physician, Universidad del Sinú, Colombia.
9 General Physician, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Villavicencio.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 001–011
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0361
Publication history: 
Received on 21 March 2022; revised on 26 April 2022; accepted on 28 April 2022
Chagas disease is an infectious disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzy, this is a highly frequent disease in rural areas of Latin America, it is characterized by presenting two phases, an acute one which is often asymptomatic and with low mortality which is mostly conferred to acute myocarditis due to Chagas, and a chronic phase which consists of three presentations, one indeterminate, one digestive and one cardiac, the latter being the most serious and the cause of greater complications and higher mortality in patients that occur with this, it should be noted that the alterations presented at the cardiac level that affect the heart in its structural, autonomic, functional and electrical conduction aspects, which require specialized treatment and diagnostic aids to determine characteristic myocardial involvement, degree of involvement and patient prognosis due to Chagas disease.
Chagas; Chagas heart disease; Trypanosoma cruzi; Chagas complications
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