Building resilience of agricultural workers in the agrifood system in a post COVID-19 Era in Africa
School of Postgraduate Studies, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2899–2905
Publication history:
Received on 21 December 2023; revised on 27 January 2024; accepted on 30 January 2024
In many economies in Africa, agriculture is the backbone for the economy. Additionally, it contributes significantly to the employment of many citizens in Africa. The COVID-19 pandemic affected various sectors across the world ranging from economically, socially, and physically. COVID-19 impacted agriculture and the work life of many agricultural workers in Africa. The effects of COVID-19 in African agriculture, calls for reengineering of the future and work life for agriculture workers in a post COVID-19 era. Agricultural workers are the drivers of agriculture, they are classified into various categories ranging from farmers, extension service providers, agribusiness development providers, among others. This paper through a theoretical review of thematic literature highlights how COVID-19 impacted on agricultural workers and agriculture in Africa. It also provides solutions towards the re-engineering of work life for agricultural workers in a post COVID-19 era. Reconstructing of work life in a post COVID- 19 era is key to job creation and a food secure continent. This results in an active workforce and other economic sectors working well and a thriving continent. The paper entails findings that farmers, agribusiness service providers and governments in Africa will find useful to ensure sustainable agriculture in Africa. Agricultural service providers, local and international organizations in the agriculture space will use the findings to design interventions that will enable smooth transition in the work life in a post COVID-19 era leading to a thriving agriculture landscape in Africa.
Resilience; Agrifood system; Agricultural Workers; Post COVID-19; Africa
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