Bucco-dental hygiene in the adult population in Bafia, Cameroon
Geospatial Land and Health Laboratory Institute for Population Studies (IFORD)-University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(01), 174–183
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.1.0150
Publication history:
Received on 06 March 2021; revised on 12 April 2021; accepted on 14 April 2021
Background: Oral diseases are one of the most prevalent problems throughout the world. According to WHO, despite great improvements in the oral health of population in several countries, concerns persist. Research objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate oral health related behaviors and practices, dietary habits, and to highlight the status of oral hygiene in adults. Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study in 1 211 individuals aged 18 years and more was carried out. Those individuals were selected among the 50 enumerated areas that make up the city. We resort to a quantitative approach (using descriptive methods) and to qualitative technique in order to well understand adults’ practices regarding dental hygiene. Results: We found that most respondents were males (68.9 %), belonged to the 35-45 age group (48.3%), and are involved in informal activities (56.9). The study revealed that 42.8 % use tobacco and 49.0% drink alcohol on a regularly (daily) basis. 78.1% brush their teeth, but once daily (76.2%), with very few who respect the brushing technique in accordance with the WHO recommendations (09.5%). The cleaning products used are varied: fluoridated toothpaste (43.5%), chewing (19.1%), and tooth powder (18.1%). Analysis of the debris index and the tartar index shows that the level of oral hygiene in the adult population in Bafia is poor (75.2%). Learning objectives: it is important to establish oral hygiene programs or strengthen existing programs, with emphasis on the effective use of fluorides for the prevention of dental caries, promotion of oral hygiene, integration of oral health into national and community health programs.
Dental health; Habits, practices; Hygiene level; Adults; Bafia; Cameroon
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