A brief review on biodiversity of soil nematode

Suman Ramteke, Meenakshi Dewangan, Majid Ali * and Sanjay Thiske

Department of Zoology, Govt. Digvijay P. G. Autonomous College Rajnandgao (C.G.), India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(01), 359–372
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.24.1.3008
Publication history: 
Received on 20 August 2024; revised on 30 September 2024; accepted on 03 October 2024
Nematodes enhance soil conditions in four primary manners, they consume organisms that cause disease, produce minerals that plants can use, and they feed on all kinds of other soil organisms. Nematodes indicate greater modifications to climate-induced distress than numerous additional species, its suggests that nematode distribution and populations increase and remain comparatively elevated as one goes toward the onto acute environments. As a result of the assimilation of many other species, soil nematodes, which are primarily considered as relatively multidisciplinary in nature, display small numbers as well as predominantly negligible abundance in tropical lowland rain forests. Engage of nematodes can tends to occur be heard in hushed, fearful tones. A glance of tiny, microscopic worms can cause grief to even more powerful humans. Regretfully, like countless things in the world, the entire bushel was tainted by a several of "negative". Although they being only less than one percent of the overall nematode population density, only a fraction of them have attracted a huge amount of attention due to its harmful effects on crops. A large portion of individuals has advantages from the well-being of the ecosystem, agricultural sector, and especially the soil.
Nematode; Consume; Population; Soil; Tiny; Distribution; Assimilation
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