Bridging the gap of Jose Magsaysay elementary school learners in numeracy: Makati localized numeracy assessment tool for stage 1 (Grades 1-3)
1 Jose Magsaysay Elementary School, 8250 Constancia Street Barangay Olympia, Makati City, Philippines.
2 Doctor of Education, National Teachers College, 629 F. Nepomuceno Street, Quiapo, Manila, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 678–685
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0289
Publication history:
Received on 08 January 2023; revised on 19 February 2023; accepted on 22 Febraury 2023
Numeracy is an essential skill needed in everyday life. The study aimed to assess the numeracy of Jose Magsaysay Elementary School learners using the Makati Localized Assessment Tool for Stage 1 (Grades 1-3). Specifically, the study determined the numeracy gaps encountered by the learners, the numeracy levels of the learners, and how the school can address the needs of the learners in numeracy. Utilizing a quantitative research design, the results of an eight-week intervention utilizing the Makati Localized Numeracy Assessment Tool indicated no statistically significant differences between pre-and post-tests for students in Grade 2 and Grade 3, although a relatively significant difference was seen for students in Grade 1. Furthermore, paired correlations showed no significant association between pre-and post-test results across all grade levels, suggesting the intervention for students' numeracy abilities did not succeed in closing numeracy gaps Findings also indicate that the majority of Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 students need major support for all eight numeracy skills examined and that the school must address the weakness of students in numeracy skills through better interventions such as exposing students to more drills and exercises, differentiated instruction, and using better instructional materials together with parent-student conferences for numeracy and one-on-one tutoring. It is also recommended that the school conduct new intervention strategies to determine what would assist in addressing the learners' numeracy gaps. In addition, as the intervention in the current research lasted just eight weeks, the school may potentially explore an extended numeracy intervention period that lasts longer than eight weeks for future interventions. Furthermore, future researchers might investigate interventions that incorporate parental participation, particularly for kids in Grades 1, 2, and 3, and examine the different factors that influence the eight dimensions of numeracy skills by the student to provide better numeracy gaps interventions for students.
Assessment; Gaps; Interventions; Learners; Numeracy; Strategies
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