Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous Balanite aegyptiaca extract-characterization and study of water purification.

Samuel Paul 1, *, James Theophilus 2, Gideon Meshack Madiya 2, Daniel Joice Lawiye 2, Joshua Adamu 3, Ibrahim Isa 4 and Ishaya Jesse5

1 Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University, Kashere P.M.B 0182 Gombe State Nigeria.
2 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Gombe State Polytechnic, P.M.B 0190, Bajoga Nigeria.
3 Department of Science Education, Federal University Kashere P.M.B 0182 Gombe State Nigeria.
4 Department of Chemistry, College of Education, Billiri, Gombe State.
5 Department of Applied Biology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Tudun Wada, P.M.B 2021, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 07(03), 228-234
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.7.3.0342
Publication history: 
Received on 04 September 2020; revised on 16 September 2020; accepted on 22 September 2020
Vegetable mediated synthesis of nanoparticles is a green chemistry approach that connects nanotechnology and biotechnology, in the present investigation, we have used a fast convenient environmental friendly method for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles by biologically reducing silver nanoparticles with aqueous extract of balanite aegyptiaca under optimum conditions (pH 10). The formation of silver nanoparticles was indicated by the colour change from colourless to brown. Biosynthesized nanoparticles were characterized by UV-VIS, FT-IR analysis. The AgNPs was characterized by UV – visible spectrophotometer showing peak between 350 – 450 nm (maximum peak at 430nm). A peak characterized by all nanoparticles. FT-IR analysis was carried out to identify the possible biomolecule responsible for the bio-reduction which was likely to be phenolic group. The synthesized AgNPs was further used to purify water which shows significant changes in the boiling point, turbidity and temperature, conductivity and colour of the water when AgNPs were added. 
Balanite aegyptiaca; FT-IR; UV-VIS
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