Biological study of uro-genital trichomonosis in women during gynecological consultation at the prefectoral hospital of Macenta, Guinee

Boubacar Siddi Diallo 1, *, Boubacar Alpha Diallo 1, Ibrahima Conte 2, Moustapha Camara 3, Yaya Diallo 2, Abdourahamane Diallo 2, Daniel Leno 1, Ibrahima Sory Balde 2, Telly Sy 2, Yolande Hyjazi 1 and Namory Keita 1

1 University Department of Gynecology Obstetrics, Donka national Hospital, Conakry Guinea.
2 University Department of Gynecology Obstetrics, Ignace Deen national Hospital, Conakry Guinea.
3 University Department of Pharmacy, Conakry Guinea.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(03), 312–316
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.3.0285
Publication history: 
: Received on 17 May 2021; revised on 20 June 2021; accepted on 22 June 2021
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to: calculate the frequency of urogenital trichomoniasis, describe the socio-demographic characteristics and analyze the biological samples.
Methodology: This was a six (6) month cross-sectional prospective study carried out in the maternity ward (gynecological consultation) and in the laboratory of the Prefectural Hospital of Macenta. All the women who came for gynecological consultation were included in the study and among them, all those who presented a laboratory examination report for vaginal secretions and / or urine during the study period. Not included in the study were all the women who came for a gynecological consultation but who had not received a laboratory examination report for vaginal secretions and / or urine and all those already undergoing treatment to imidazole in the 15 days preceding the survey were not included. After applying the selection procedure (inclusion and non-inclusion criteria), we obtained a sample size N = 703 cases.
Results: The frequency of urogenital trichomoniasis was 26.46% among urogenital infections. The epidemiological profile was that of: young women aged 22-27 (42.47%), housewife (39.76%), having a primary education (30.43%) and married (28.53%). half of the patients were asymptomatic followed by those with fetid leucorrhoea 32.61%. High positivity was found in vaginal secretions (30.41%).
Conclusion: Urogenital trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection, common in women of childbearing or childbearing age. It constitutes a public health problem, one of the control strategies for which it involves sensitization and care for women / couples at all levels of the health pyramid.
Urogenital trichomonosis; Urogenital infection; Gynecological consultation
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