Bibliography analysis: The influence of affective design on human cognition using Kansei engineering

Afrida Hafshalya Riandini *, Ratna Purwaningsih and Novie Susanto

Industrial Engineering and Management, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 774–781
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1793
Publication history: 
Received on 04 May 2024; revised on 12 June 2024; accepted on 14 June 2024
There is a lot of research using affective and cognitive aspects as an approach to creating a product design or evaluating a product and service with consumers as the center of the design. Overall, human factors, product design, and affective design are important factors in creating products that are useful and enjoyable to use, by considering all factors, designers can create products that have a chance of success in the market. This research was conducted to look at studies based on variables, objects, and methods based on previous journals. This aims to identify previous research and see opportunities if research is carried out in the future. The method used uses affective and cognitive aspects and uses measurements using eye-tracking and EEG. Many statistical measurements are carried out using ANOVA. Based on the analysis, and interpretation of previous research journals, after identifying each aspect and component, conclusions can be drawn regarding aspects of each journal and future research opportunities, then research can be obtained or carried out using the research object of a product that will be made either commercially or commercially. does not use variables eye tracking and EEG measurement tools to determine the user's response. Then, a stimulus can be given to measure a person's level of cognitive response, using product design images, music, physical products, interfaces, music, etc. which will evoke a response from the person. Apart from that, methods that can be used for further research can use affective and cognitive aspects as methods.
Bibliography analysis; Design; Cognitive; Affective; Stimulus; Eye tracking
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