The benefits of training for the development of employees' communication in the commercial sector of organizations
1 Department of the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), and Postgraduate Department of the Farias Brito University Center (FBUNI), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
2 Specialist in Entrepreneurial Commercial Management from Farias Brito University Center (FBUNI), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 406–413
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1580
Publication history:
Received on 26 June 2023; revised on 05 August 2023; accepted on 07 August 2023
Enhancing knowledge is one of the driving forces behind human beings' pursuit of their best version. In a broad sense, effective communication is a desired skill sought by many, as it opens up significant opportunities in personal and professional life. Investing in individual and organizational growth involves acquiring capabilities that make a difference and facilitate interpersonal interactions. Within this context, the present article addresses communication as a competitive advantage and analyzes issues related to business oratory as a strategy for individual and organizational development, aiming to improve company outcomes. It employs a descriptive design and qualitative methodology, utilizing both primary and secondary sources. The overarching objective is to analyze the main benefits of training in developing employees' communication skills within the commercial sector of organizations. The research concludes that communication is the primary tool in the commercial sector, as knowledge of sales techniques, determination, and drive would be of little use without the ability to communicate effectively. Therefore, training in business oratory is fundamental. It is worth noting that emotional communication is the most challenging yet crucial aspect for establishing a connection between salesperson and customer. Unfortunately, many sales professionals leave substantial potential revenue untapped by disregarding the significance of providing personalized, empathetic, and relatable communication.
Organizational Training; Emotional Communication; Business Oratory; Persuasion and Convincing; Organizational Results
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